by Tech Support | Apr 11, 2011 | Security
I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like hearing “record breaking” and “Microsoft Patch Day” in the same sentence. Unfortunately, April’s Black Tuesday will be just that — a record breaking patch day. According to...
by Tech Support | Oct 9, 2009 | Security
Attackers exploit an unpatched Adobe Reader vulnerability in the wild. Corey shares how to protect yourself from this flaw now, and when to expect a patch.
by Tech Support | Sep 9, 2009 | Security
A greyhat researcher disclosed a zero day vulnerability in the SMB2 service that ships with Windows Vista, 7, and Server 2008. Microsoft hasn’t released a patch, but you can protect yourself from this vulnerability. Read on to learn how.
by Tech Support | Jul 2, 2009 | Security
A security researcher is set to announce a serious flaw in the iPhone’s texting application, but is withholding details until Apple releases a patch.
by Tech Support | May 22, 2009 | Security
Adobe anounces their new regular quarterly patch cycle. It will fall on the same day as Microsoft Patch Tuesday.